Sunday, July 3, 2011


OK, OK. So, Casey Anthony hasn't been found guilty yet, but it's only a matter of time. This trial has been interesting, to say the least. If you didn't think the Anthony family was dysfunctional before this, it has to be more than obvious, now! Every family member that got on the stand, lied (or at least it seemed that way.) Cindy and George Anthony weren't sitting next to each other at the closing arguments and Lee Anthony didn't even show up. Casey finally started crying, for all of 5 minutes. And, if you weren't sure of what to make of Jose Baez and the rest of the defense team, you should absolutely know that now, as well. His closing arguments have been dreadful and sometimes unethical. He said that Dr. G "botched" the autopsy. WHAT?!?! Has he never seen her show on Discovery Health?! Give me a break. If I were Casey, the first thing I'd do after this trial is fire every one of those lawyers. (Unless of course, the jury turns out to be just as stupid as everyone else and acquit her.)

I don't even want to try to guess the amount of time the jury will be out, when this fool finally stops running his mouth, but I can't imagine it will be very long. Casey Anthony is sick. She deserves to be suffocated with chloroform, wrapped up in a trash bag and thrown in a swamp. Fortunately for her, that's not legal in the United States. The next best thing, would be for her to rot for a few years in prison, then put to death.