Monday, June 11, 2012

Kindergarten: Complete

Ashlynn has successfully finished kindergarten! It's amazing to see how much she has learned this past year. She entered school in the fall knowing the basics that were taught in pre-k (letters, numbers, months, colors, animals, etc.) Now, she can form sentences, sound out her own words (even if they don't always end up being spelled correctly), tell time, solve basic math problems and read books. She can even tie her shoes! She had a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Roberts, that was patient and kind and very helpful. We, as parents, were always kept in the loop and included in everything. Parent/teacher conferences were short and simple, but got the point across. I can't thank Javier enough, for getting up every morning (after working late nights) and putting Ashlynn on the bus and then being there to wait for her at the bus stop in the afternoon. I am thankful we had a smooth first year of school and look forward (I think!) to the next 12 years! So proud of my little girl.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Unstoppable Ali's Top 5 Songs That Must Be Listened To LOUD!

I was listening to the radio a few weeks ago, and the DJ's on one of the morning shows, did a list of the top 5 songs that "can only be listened to loud." It made me think... and then I realized, there are actually songs, that I can't listen to softly. If I am in a situation that I can't turn it up, I actually change the song! (I did this today, which made me decide to write this.) So, here it is:

The Unstoppable's Top 5 Songs That MUST Be Turned All The Way Up!
(Not in any particular order)

1. I Hate Myself For Loving You - Joan Jett
**This was my first "favorite" song, and I can remember my Mom blasting it on the radio as a child, so naturally, that seems to be the only way to listen to it now!

2. California Love - Tupac
**The BEST rap song EVER. Period.

3. Still Not A Player - Big Pun
**So inappropriate, yet so awesome! Love this song!

4. Tonight - New Kids on the Block
**My all-time, most favorite NKOTB song. This song MUST be played on maximum volume.

5. (You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears
**3 Britney concerts and pretty much the definition of my teenage years. So yeah, turn this one up, too!

I'd love to hear your lists!