Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Competent, Crackerjack, Old war-horse and Powerhouse...

...are all synonyms of the word professional.

When did being professional go out of style? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME! There have been entirely too many times, in the last few months, that I've been the witness to/victim of unprofessional behavior. It just doesn't make sense.

Bosses are supposed to be nice to their employees and respect them, plain and simple. Especially, when it's a hard working, dedicated person that doesn't cause trouble in the workplace. I'm not saying that workers shouldn't show their managers the same respect in return, but it's much more important when you are a "higher up." I can't believe it's that hard to call an employee ahead of time, if they aren't needed at work that day or if plans change, and they are needed at another location. It's the boss' responsibility to let the proper people know. Also, if they borrow something from an employee's desk, work truck, cabinet or whatever, they should remember to put it back. And, if there is something that needs to be addressed right away, the supervisor should actually talk to the employee first, before they decide they are going to open their mouth to the rest of the company. Being a manager or owner or supervisor doesn't give you a free pass to be an idiot.

Professionalism; learn it, people!

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