Friday, September 9, 2011


Love. What is love? I've been asking myself that question for years now, and it seems I come up with new answers every day. But, talking to Javier, earlier today, reminded me what true love, really is.

Love is the that one person you can't live without. They can make you happy at the drop of a dime, or make you mad just the same. They are always there for you, no matter what and will never give up on you.... No matter how much you screw up. They believe in you.

Love is your family, and too often, we take this for granted. Love is looking into your child's eyes, hugging your mother, spending time with your siblings, listening to the stories your grandparents tell, (ya know, the one where they used to walk to school, uphill both ways!)

Love means, loving yourself. Too often, people hear all the negative things others say, instead of the positive. Be proud of who you are! This is one of my biggest downfalls. Sometimes it may seem difficult to look at the bright side, but trust me, it's so much more pleasant than the side that's not-so-bright!

Love is....
*happy, sad, scary, exhausting, passionate, crazy, sexy, cool, (Deeeeee!) stressful, painful, insightful, romantic, adorable and a slew of other adjectives that I just can't seem to come up with, at the moment.

Love is, Javier Rivera.
Love is, forever.

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