Friday, December 9, 2011

Another Letter to Mother

Hey Ma!

Gosh, today was a pretty rough day for me. Has it really been 2 whole years since you were taken from us? It seems like only yesterday that I was able to hear your voice.

So much has happened since my last letter to you, exactly one year ago.

Ashlynn turned 5, this year. Can you believe it? She started kindergarten, too. She's been doing well and she really likes her teacher. And, she really loves riding the school bus! Javier takes her to the bus stop every morning and gets her off the bus, too. I leave for work a couple hours before she goes to school and get home right after she gets off the bus. We are so thankful to have him in our lives. He helps out with Ashlynn so much. They can both be stubborn at times, so they have their moments, but they love each other, nonetheless.

In March, Javier's youngest brother, Ricky, died (but I'm sure you've already met him!) and we traveled to Puerto Rico for the funeral. (Ashlynn didn't go, instead she went to Charleston with Aaron.) That wasn't the way I wanted to see Puerto Rico for the first time, but I needed to be there for Javier and his family and say my last goodbyes, to the man that was responsible for "stopping the Unstoppable Ali!"

Then, in July, Javi, Ash and I went to Cooperstown. Yep, that's right. COOPERSTOWN! ROBERTO WAS INDUCTED INTO THE HALL OF FAME THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome! I took my bright yellow sign (don't worry, not the one that he signed and you framed, I took the replacement sign I made, that was exactly the same!) And guess what??? WE GOT ON TV!!!!!! It was during the actual induction ceremony at DoubleDay Field. Then, the next day, Robbie was doing a signing at one of the stores and I stood outside in the pouring down rain for an hour, to make sure I got inside to see him. I took the picture of him and I that was taken in Cleveland.... he looked at it and then looked at me and recognized me!!!! Then he asked about Meme! Hahaha! I couldn't stop smiling. When I came out of the store, I could barely tell Javier and Ashlynn what happened. It was so freakin' cool! They were so good at putting up with me, during our 5 days there! I wish you could have been there. I kept telling Javi how you and Aunt Cheryl always told me that you both would be there with me, when Robbie went to Cooperstown. I never thought I'd be spending that day without either of you. I know you both were there in spirit.

I know so much more happened this year, but after reliving my Cooperstown experience, I can't seem to think!

I miss you, Mommy. And so does Ashlynn. She's been asking about you A LOT lately. We went out to look at your star the other night. It was big and bright and shining directly over our apartment! Please say hello to Aunt Cheryl, Poppy, Ms. Lisa, Ricky and of course, Cocoa. And, let Cocoa know that Slyder misses her. The day that she died, Javi and I went over to Conrad's to help him with her and take her to the vet. When we came home, after she passed away, Slyder didn't eat all day and he wouldn't come out from under Ashlynn's bed. He knew his big sister was gone.

Speaking of Conrad, he is doing OK. I don't talk to him nearly as often as I should, but I'm going to try to change that!

I think it's about time for me to wrap this up. I'm starting to get misty-eyed, and I don't want Ashlynn to see me cry. I love you, Ma! Please keep watching over us.

Love Always,

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