Monday, June 11, 2012

Kindergarten: Complete

Ashlynn has successfully finished kindergarten! It's amazing to see how much she has learned this past year. She entered school in the fall knowing the basics that were taught in pre-k (letters, numbers, months, colors, animals, etc.) Now, she can form sentences, sound out her own words (even if they don't always end up being spelled correctly), tell time, solve basic math problems and read books. She can even tie her shoes! She had a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Roberts, that was patient and kind and very helpful. We, as parents, were always kept in the loop and included in everything. Parent/teacher conferences were short and simple, but got the point across. I can't thank Javier enough, for getting up every morning (after working late nights) and putting Ashlynn on the bus and then being there to wait for her at the bus stop in the afternoon. I am thankful we had a smooth first year of school and look forward (I think!) to the next 12 years! So proud of my little girl.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Unstoppable Ali's Top 5 Songs That Must Be Listened To LOUD!

I was listening to the radio a few weeks ago, and the DJ's on one of the morning shows, did a list of the top 5 songs that "can only be listened to loud." It made me think... and then I realized, there are actually songs, that I can't listen to softly. If I am in a situation that I can't turn it up, I actually change the song! (I did this today, which made me decide to write this.) So, here it is:

The Unstoppable's Top 5 Songs That MUST Be Turned All The Way Up!
(Not in any particular order)

1. I Hate Myself For Loving You - Joan Jett
**This was my first "favorite" song, and I can remember my Mom blasting it on the radio as a child, so naturally, that seems to be the only way to listen to it now!

2. California Love - Tupac
**The BEST rap song EVER. Period.

3. Still Not A Player - Big Pun
**So inappropriate, yet so awesome! Love this song!

4. Tonight - New Kids on the Block
**My all-time, most favorite NKOTB song. This song MUST be played on maximum volume.

5. (You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears
**3 Britney concerts and pretty much the definition of my teenage years. So yeah, turn this one up, too!

I'd love to hear your lists!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Another Letter to Mother

Hey Ma!

Gosh, today was a pretty rough day for me. Has it really been 2 whole years since you were taken from us? It seems like only yesterday that I was able to hear your voice.

So much has happened since my last letter to you, exactly one year ago.

Ashlynn turned 5, this year. Can you believe it? She started kindergarten, too. She's been doing well and she really likes her teacher. And, she really loves riding the school bus! Javier takes her to the bus stop every morning and gets her off the bus, too. I leave for work a couple hours before she goes to school and get home right after she gets off the bus. We are so thankful to have him in our lives. He helps out with Ashlynn so much. They can both be stubborn at times, so they have their moments, but they love each other, nonetheless.

In March, Javier's youngest brother, Ricky, died (but I'm sure you've already met him!) and we traveled to Puerto Rico for the funeral. (Ashlynn didn't go, instead she went to Charleston with Aaron.) That wasn't the way I wanted to see Puerto Rico for the first time, but I needed to be there for Javier and his family and say my last goodbyes, to the man that was responsible for "stopping the Unstoppable Ali!"

Then, in July, Javi, Ash and I went to Cooperstown. Yep, that's right. COOPERSTOWN! ROBERTO WAS INDUCTED INTO THE HALL OF FAME THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome! I took my bright yellow sign (don't worry, not the one that he signed and you framed, I took the replacement sign I made, that was exactly the same!) And guess what??? WE GOT ON TV!!!!!! It was during the actual induction ceremony at DoubleDay Field. Then, the next day, Robbie was doing a signing at one of the stores and I stood outside in the pouring down rain for an hour, to make sure I got inside to see him. I took the picture of him and I that was taken in Cleveland.... he looked at it and then looked at me and recognized me!!!! Then he asked about Meme! Hahaha! I couldn't stop smiling. When I came out of the store, I could barely tell Javier and Ashlynn what happened. It was so freakin' cool! They were so good at putting up with me, during our 5 days there! I wish you could have been there. I kept telling Javi how you and Aunt Cheryl always told me that you both would be there with me, when Robbie went to Cooperstown. I never thought I'd be spending that day without either of you. I know you both were there in spirit.

I know so much more happened this year, but after reliving my Cooperstown experience, I can't seem to think!

I miss you, Mommy. And so does Ashlynn. She's been asking about you A LOT lately. We went out to look at your star the other night. It was big and bright and shining directly over our apartment! Please say hello to Aunt Cheryl, Poppy, Ms. Lisa, Ricky and of course, Cocoa. And, let Cocoa know that Slyder misses her. The day that she died, Javi and I went over to Conrad's to help him with her and take her to the vet. When we came home, after she passed away, Slyder didn't eat all day and he wouldn't come out from under Ashlynn's bed. He knew his big sister was gone.

Speaking of Conrad, he is doing OK. I don't talk to him nearly as often as I should, but I'm going to try to change that!

I think it's about time for me to wrap this up. I'm starting to get misty-eyed, and I don't want Ashlynn to see me cry. I love you, Ma! Please keep watching over us.

Love Always,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Later

September 11, 2001. I was sitting in Mr. Nyk's Spanish 2 class. The teacher from across the hall came into our room and told Mr. Nyk to turn on the tv; there was a plane crash in NYC. I was the aide for his class, so that meant it was pretty much a free period for me to just sit there and do nothing. The class was working in their workbooks and Mr. Nyk and I were watching the news. We watched for a long time, unsure of what was happening or what was about to happen. We were also unaware of the effect it would have on our country, our world.

School let out early that day. When I got home, my Mom and I watched the news for hours. We sat in silence, as we watched replays of the planes hitting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We heard the call from Todd Beamer on American Airlines, Flight 93. We felt so helpless.

It's been 10 years since that fateful day. Since then, I've seen friends join the military, I've seen friends go to war to protect our nation, I've seen friends say goodbye to their husbands and wives for months at a time, and I've had friends that have lost loved ones, all to protect me and you, and our freedom. For this, I say, "Thank you!" Sometimes, I wonder if I say it enough. I wonder if all the people fighting for our country, really know how much they are appreciated? I can only hope that they do.

My heart breaks for the people that died, that day, and it breaks for their families. My heart breaks for the people of this nation that are ungrateful, and those people that insist it was some sort of conspiracy. My heart breaks for the people that protest at military funerals and it breaks for the people who witness it.

I was proud to be an American before that day, but the sense of pride I feel now, is indescribable. I get goosebumps when I hear the National Anthem or see an American flag blowing in the breeze. The people of our country suffered a great loss that day, but we stood by one another and most importantly, we never lost faith. As Americans, we must never lose faith.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Love. What is love? I've been asking myself that question for years now, and it seems I come up with new answers every day. But, talking to Javier, earlier today, reminded me what true love, really is.

Love is the that one person you can't live without. They can make you happy at the drop of a dime, or make you mad just the same. They are always there for you, no matter what and will never give up on you.... No matter how much you screw up. They believe in you.

Love is your family, and too often, we take this for granted. Love is looking into your child's eyes, hugging your mother, spending time with your siblings, listening to the stories your grandparents tell, (ya know, the one where they used to walk to school, uphill both ways!)

Love means, loving yourself. Too often, people hear all the negative things others say, instead of the positive. Be proud of who you are! This is one of my biggest downfalls. Sometimes it may seem difficult to look at the bright side, but trust me, it's so much more pleasant than the side that's not-so-bright!

Love is....
*happy, sad, scary, exhausting, passionate, crazy, sexy, cool, (Deeeeee!) stressful, painful, insightful, romantic, adorable and a slew of other adjectives that I just can't seem to come up with, at the moment.

Love is, Javier Rivera.
Love is, forever.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


OK, OK. So, Casey Anthony hasn't been found guilty yet, but it's only a matter of time. This trial has been interesting, to say the least. If you didn't think the Anthony family was dysfunctional before this, it has to be more than obvious, now! Every family member that got on the stand, lied (or at least it seemed that way.) Cindy and George Anthony weren't sitting next to each other at the closing arguments and Lee Anthony didn't even show up. Casey finally started crying, for all of 5 minutes. And, if you weren't sure of what to make of Jose Baez and the rest of the defense team, you should absolutely know that now, as well. His closing arguments have been dreadful and sometimes unethical. He said that Dr. G "botched" the autopsy. WHAT?!?! Has he never seen her show on Discovery Health?! Give me a break. If I were Casey, the first thing I'd do after this trial is fire every one of those lawyers. (Unless of course, the jury turns out to be just as stupid as everyone else and acquit her.)

I don't even want to try to guess the amount of time the jury will be out, when this fool finally stops running his mouth, but I can't imagine it will be very long. Casey Anthony is sick. She deserves to be suffocated with chloroform, wrapped up in a trash bag and thrown in a swamp. Fortunately for her, that's not legal in the United States. The next best thing, would be for her to rot for a few years in prison, then put to death.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Letter to Mother

Dear Mama,

I can't believe it's been a year already. I wish I could tell you that it's getting easier, but the truth is, it's not. I think about you all the time. There are some good days and some not-so-good days, but you're always in my thoughts. It saddens me to think of all the things that you are going to miss...

Ashlynn started school this fall. Can you believe she is going to be 5 in a few months? It seems like just yesterday you were teaching her how to "Rock N' Roll." She talks about you often. I smile for her even though my heart is breaking at the reminder that you won't get to see her grow up. She still has a star picked out for you and we go outside and look at it whenever we can. I'm sure you already know that, though.

As for me, I'm hanging in there. Javier has been my rock. He hasn't left my side in over a year and I couldn't be more thankful. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and his love and support, over the past year, has been amazing. I'm so happy you got to meet him.

Thank you for raising me to be such a strong woman. (Although, today, I don't feel so strong!) I miss you more than you could ever imagine. I hope you are resting peacefully, Mommy. And, I hope that Heaven is as beautiful of a place as you were a Mother, Wife, Sister, Grandmother and friend.

I love you.

Love Always,